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Message from Boone:

They say “it takes a village” and my village was Dorchester. My parents always told me to "remember where I came from" and those words have shaped the person that I have become today. I am so proud to be from such an incredible small town community. I received and continue to receive a lot of support from family, friends, teachers, and neighbours over the years, and could not be where I am today without them. 


I wanted to provide a complimentary hockey camp where I could give back and thank the community by providing a fun camp for some local residents.  My hope at the end of this camp is that the participants are able to walk away having learned some skills, had some fun and created some lasting memories.


I would like to thank all of my fans and supporters, I really do  appreciate seeing so many of you at my games over the years and will never forget where I came from. Always remember to work hard and follow your passion, it is incredible where life can take you.


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